Internationally renowned dermatologist and laser specialist Dr Emil Tanghetti reveals why PicoSure is his preferred laser for skin rejuvenation, every time.
After making its mark on the tattoo industry, PicoSure has set the bar in skin rejuvenation, targeting acne scarring, melasma, actinic pigmentation and photodamage like no other treatment. Backed by a wealth of clinical studies and research, the PicoSure point of difference is in its proven ability to effectively treat any skin type with less downtime than competitors, showing a dramatic improvement in the appearance of pigmentation, acne scars and collagen-damaging skin inflammation.
PicoSure by Cynosure is a highly versatile and customisable tool for the modern-day practitioner. Expanding its capabilities into skin revitalisation, it is a widely applicable device, suitable for a broad range of treatment parameters and skin types, backed by clinical studies and some of the world’s leading laser specialists.
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